
Facegroup group for women in quantum information: Alice.

The following list of resources was adapted from the website of the COST network Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime.

International associations

GenPORT is a portal about gender and science, for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action. The portal contains research resources, statistics, good practices, and toolkits for gender equality in science, technology and innovation.

genSET is a project aiming to improve the excellence of European science through inclusion of the gender dimension in research and science knowledge making.
Some organized activities included: innovative Consensus Seminars of gender experts and European science leaders; Capacity Building Workshops for over 100 scientific institutions; Valorization Symposia engaging scientists and decision makers at national level; Gender Summits.

The European Platform of Women Scientists is an international non-profit organisation. From 2005 it represents more than 12.000 women scientists of different networks and organization from 40 countries. The web contains information about conferences, debates, surveys…

The Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine in the USA is a standing committee of the National Research Council. Its mandate is to coordinate, monitor, and advocate action to increase the participation of women in science, engineering, and medicine.

The Association for Women in Science is an organization fighting for equity and career advancement for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics aiming to promote the formation of woman chapters and networks in USA. The web contains interesting Fact Sheets.

Studies and statistics

Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – data from the World Economic Forum shows that the higher the level of women’s emancipation, the smaller the math gender gap.

Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students, a study by C. Moss-Racusin et al. (2012).

She Figures 2012 [pdf], gender in research and innovation – statistics and indicators.

Report on women in physics, by the American Institute of Physics.


Other links

Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics, by the European Physical Society.

Structural Change in Promoting Gender Equality in Research, a conference that took place in 2013 (talks online).

I was wondering, project of the National Academy of Sciences intended to showcase the accomplishments of contemporary women in science. The site draws from and accompanies the publication of Women’s Adventures in Science.

Database of female speakers in physics by the APS.